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PhotographyPortfolios of readers

Every weekend, The Eye of Photography dedicates its edition to the portfolios of its readers. This section is our online gallery for photographers presenting their work. You will find here a selection of the best portfolios. This is an opportunity for photographers around the world to broadcast their work and share their vision.

Joël Hauet

Gueules de Bois / Wooden Faces The idea, more than ever to defend the forest, to re-examine ourselves, to let the imagination open up […]…

Thierry Camus

J’en perds la boule  / I’m losing my “marble” She came into my life somewhat by chance, one December morning and as soon as […]…

Kurt Hollander

The Boardwalk Benches of Brighton Beach Going to the Coney Island/Brighton Beach boardwalk on the Fourth of July has long been a tradition for […]…

Michel Daumergue

The scale and the limit The series I present here was born from a journey that became displacement. Iceland has indeed moved me by […]…

Marco Vernaschi

Saigon, Japan In 2011, Vietnam inaugurated “The Strategy on Vietnam’s Tourism Development for 2020 “ an ambitious plan designed by the Government to turn the tourism industry into the […]…

Jacques Revon

My gaze and my research behind the frosted glass of my old 8×10 wooden photographic camera. Discovering for a long time an upside-down image, […]…


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