“The Barbie doll is a 29 cm doll marketed by Mattel, an American company of toys and games. Created in 1959 by American businesswoman […]…
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I was dreaming Iceland since I was 18 during those years the idea was to ride Iceland roads by bike, the first time I […]…
The demonstrations for Kathua rape were held by members of International Institute of Management, Bangalore community on April 21st. The girl who was raped […]…
Thirty-six thousand years ago cavemen were painting bisons, lions and wild horses on the walls of their caves, they were scared of them and […]…
Edifice is a visual journey back to a time most people would like to forget. Pałka documents buildings that have survived the Communist regime, […]…
I am questioning the real. What we see is only the reflection of a reality that escapes us. To see needs to be learn, […]…
Rugby Shivers Is not a project about Rugby Neither wants to be a sport coverage Rugby shivers is an exploration of the flow of […]…
This portfolio is about how I find ways to recover from my PTSD; a fire demolished most of my art photography archive – my […]…
In some southern Italian countries during the Holy Week, the week before Easter, there are rituals and traditions that have been repeated for centuries […]…
In the popular imagination Japan is commonly associated with many visual stereotypes such as the crowded, colourful and fast everyday life. Instead of the […]…