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The Eye of Photography offers a selection of renowned photographers or young talents in this section.

Kevin Downs –After Sandy

Kevin Downs is a photojournalist. He covers mainly local news, daily life, natural disasters, and the political and social realities of his community. The stories aren’t always red-hot, but they’re…

Gene Lemuel: –Milla Jovovich

In Front of The Throne with Gene Lemuel and Milla Jovovich for Flaunt Magazine. 
At Milla's Hollywood villa legendary photographer Gene Lemuel captured portraits of Milla Jovovich for Flaunt magazine. I had…

Gene Lemuel –Kate Moss

In the very first edition of Le Journal (back when it was called La Lettre) we presented a selection of unpublished Kate Moss photos taken by Gene Lemuel …

Ralf Brueck:–Distortion

My earlier works were more influenced by the connection between the Duesseldorf school of photography and the American New Color Photography. Since 2009 I am moving towards digital image manipulation.…

Eric Bouvet –and Peace

I worked a lot in 2011. The highlights were on Libya, first on the eastern front heading towards Benghazi, and later in Tripoli during the attack of Gaddafi’s barracks. It…


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