Priska Pasquer Paris presents the work of Japanese photographer Rinko Kawauchi (born in 1972 in Shiga, Japan) during two consecutive personal exhibitions, where four […]…
During a mist-laden visit to the Rhône Glacier in Valais in 2023, Swiss Photographer Patrick Lambertz met Mr. Carlen, the offspring of the family […]…
Arthur Belebeau is a French photographer known for his captivating and dynamic images that draw inspiration from the pop art movement. Belebeau’s work combines […]…
A journey in a mirage In February 2023 I “browsed” Dubai. “I wrote “browse”, because Dubai has everything of a virtual world. This concept […]…
Color’s Tokyo When night falls, Tokyo glows with a thousand lights, as neighborhoods and facades take on bright hues. The night-time lights sculpt a […]…
The lessons of darkness During my travels, I began to work on sacred religious art. A look that I take on objects, places of churches […]…
Lonely windows Minimalist facade is about achieving better design through simplicity:a simplicity of form, space, materiality, detail, and color. All this is achieved through […]…
Wanderings and urbanities…. These 12 photos come from a double theme and also from a double photographic series entitled ”Turin” and ”Malaga”. my work….or […]…
… many are the statues but what is the status … of the hero … On October 29, the Turkish Republic celebrated the centenary […]…
Masquerading Animals Masquerading Animals is a series of photomontages partially made from images of some of my sculptures and architectural models, as well as […]…