The project is expressing the minute of being somewhere else with thoughts, feeling lonely in a crowd, not connected to the group and place […]…
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Last June rang the loss of Charles Harbutt, one of the most important American photographers, and one of the most overlooked. He was one of the great intellectual figures of Magnum…
Julie Blackmon grew up the oldest of nine children and the influence of this populated home life is apparent in her continuously growing oeuvre. Translucent in their referral to Dutch…
Every weekend, The Eye of Photography dedicates itself to the portfolios of its readers. By publishing the best portfolios, the magazine enables photographers around the world […]…
The mind moves, the soul is moved, the mind reasons, the soul resonates. – François Cheng The beauty and uniqueness of Eve Morcrette’s photographs […]…
For me, nothing is more peaceful than long walks in the woods with my dog (if we don’t stumble on hunters). While she sniffs without […]…
The traces of History that was partly written here A landscape that constantly moves and forgot the notion of intimacy The living, the monuments, […]…
All pictures were taken using handmade 6×6 hybrid camera, made from old light-leaking medium format film cameras and color film, sometimes intentionally affected with […]…