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The Eye of Photography offers a selection of renowned photographers or young talents in this section.

Audrey Lorent

Kuangalia « A look is in any country a language ”George Herbert. « I use animals to educate men » Jean de la Fontaine […]…

Juan Angel de Corral

EMPTY CITIES ELLIPSIS. Praise of those who are absent. The project EMPTY CITIES is a journey through deserted cities where impassive traffic lights go […]…

Marina Lauar

Transience and Belonging I aim to show the progression of the feeling of not belonging anywhere as something natural. I transit between the landscapes […]…

Jeremy Freedman

These photographs, from the series “Living Ghosts,” are taken through glass filters to create blurring and obscuring effects. These painterly photographs, which live at […]…

Philippe Boujassy

The Walkers Street Art, popular and ephemeral visual art, has conquered many areas of our cities around the world in recent years. The movement […]…


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