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The Eye of Photography offers a selection of renowned photographers or young talents in this section.

Edward Smith

Softly Focused on Paris When Americans visit Paris and its surrounding environs, they find themselves mesmerized and a bit overwhelmed by France’s great history […]…

Rachel Faivre

Metamorphosis “Metamorphoses” is a photographic series aimed at evoking the multiple feelings faced with the profound interior and exterior changes imposed by breast cancer. […]…

Toma Gerzha

Control Refresh Control Refresh is the result of my research into the impact of political events on young people within a number of post-Soviet […]…

Diego Costantini

Penùmbra Penùmbra outlines a visual journey to explore the profound bond that connects two individuals, reaching as far as the symbolism of birth. It […]…

Jean-Luc Bargain

Mediterranean Perspectives The fruit of erratic journeys and ephemeral encounters along the water’s edge, in Mediterranean lands and islands not necessarily far away, Perspectives […]…


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