Polaroid and Magnum Photos join forces to envision the future of instant photography by pushing it into new artistic and technical realms.…
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While Fujifilm takes up residence in Arles during the opening week of the Rencontres de la Photographie with its event Fujikina, L'Œil de la Photographie met three of its ambassadors:…
We make life-long friendships in Arles and Arles is where they resume and deepen each year. Jeff Dunas https://www.instagram.com/jeffdunas/ www.rencontres-arles.com…
In a way, Arles is like a magnificent déjà-vu. The setting is the same but the friends and photos change. Jeff Dunas https://www.instagram.com/jeffdunas/ www.rencontres-arles.com…
Making these photographs has been a way to document, in a very personal way, the times I’ve spent with friends over a 38-year period. […]…
Les Rencontres is where I’ll see an incredible collision of photographic disciplines, periods and approaches. It’s a smorgasboard. It’s overload. It’s fantastic. Jeff Dunas […]…
When I first came in 1986 I was the newcomer and met the veterans who had been coming since the beginning. Gradually I’ve become […]…
Friends, colleagues, mentors and masters. For one week each year, Arles is the center of the universe. Jeff Dunas https://www.instagram.com/jeffdunas/ www.rencontres-arles.com…
Anouk Aimée passed this week, Peter Fetterman had the lovely idea to pay tribute to the iconic French actress with this portrait by William […]…