Anne-Marie Filaire is interested in the question of private spaces in different contexts, from her native Auvergne to the powder kegs of the Middle East – Egypt, Palestine or the…
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Today begins the second episode of our World and Thoughts series with Liza Kanaeva. The young Russian photographer unveils her work and details her taste for encounters and her attention…
Before the installation presented as part of the major exhibition Autophoto, which will take place at the Fondation Cartier from April 19 through September 24, 2017, Americandream is being published…
Bridging the past and the future, reality and fiction, photography finds in this double coming and going a source of strength as well as ambivalence, which also accounts for its…
Following Arnold Odermatt’s Karambolage, On Duty and Off Duty, all published by German publisher Steidl, After Work presents more rediscovered masterpieces by this remarkable selftaught photographer, who trained himself primarily…
A small, single book-piece, this work from BnF editions (L’Œil curieux collection) immerses us in the world of French haute couture between the Second Empire and the 1940s. Photographed on…
Aperture Magazine launches earlier this month its 226th issue. Available in newsstands and entitled American Destiny, this edition focuses on contemporary America past, present and futur…
Prague, Wenceslas Square, August 22, 1968: an arm projects into the image. The wristwatch shows the time of day. The forearm is not raised vertically, contrary to traditional representations of…
“She is successively called Rachel, Monique, Szyndler, Calle, Pagliero, Gonthier, Sindler,” says French photographer Sophie Calle. “My mother loved that we talk about her. Her life doesn’t appear in my…