Moving deliberately away from the object, the works of Jean-Marie Fadier break the conventional codes of photography. In the strict etymological sense they do not "represent" (i.e. shape the light),…
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When I work in the cinema, I’m use to design some architectural extensions or fake perspective spaces that we put behind the sets. This series is about the status of…
Saudade it’s a Portuguese word to describe the felling of miss something or someone. The Saudade series results from the quest to find that felling of miss. The photos are…
3 portfolios. This is the selection by Howard Greenberg, for his fourth week. Howard Greenberg is one of the world's foremost photography dealers. He is an authority on 19th and…
Huang was born in Southern China when all photo agencies were owned and run by the Chinese government. His parents opened the first private shooting photo studio in 1982. Which…
Once again I find no particular enthusiasm in presenting you with this week's press photos. Ascot hats are becoming vulgar, the separation of the Murdochs, the posturing of Obama and…
Herbert Ascherman Jr refers to his work as “portraits of people, nude.” These nude portraits were taken indoors using the natural light coming in through the window, with a large-format…
Suggestion is one of photography’s greatest powers, something that American photographer Sandi Haber Fifield obviously understands. In her latest book, her third, After the Threshold, Fifield takes the reader into…
Sun, surf, sea. The beach is the place where land meets water and water meets land, the primordial spot from which we came, and to which we return, season after…