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All archives of The Eye of Photography are classified by theme in this section. It contains various articles about photography art, exclusive interviews of famous photographers, an economic section, public or private collections presentations along with the latest trends in the photography world which are to be discovered in the magazine.

Boston: Bruce Davidson –The natural soul

His modern vision of documentary influenced generations of photographers. The American Bruce Davidson, now 79, a Magnum member since 1958, will have a retrospective at the Robert Klein Gallery in…

Primerose, Russian Colour Photography

Official celebrations, however boring, can sometimes lead to worthwhile initiatives. Although the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Netherlands and Russia four hundred years ago is not necessarily a major…

Miss Rosen –Book Review #54

Photographer and subject have a distinct relationship that is based on the sharing of ideas in mutual exploration of that which does not yet exist until the two come together…

George Georgiou: –Fault Lines, Turkey

In Turkey, when economic boom and newfound international appeal came without warning, the country was faced with the sudden challenge of adapting its architectural and social structures.George Georgiou traveled through…


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