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All archives of The Eye of Photography are classified by theme in this section. It contains various articles about photography art, exclusive interviews of famous photographers, an economic section, public or private collections presentations along with the latest trends in the photography world which are to be discovered in the magazine.

Mike Harvey

Fascinated by the human race, Mike Harvey turned his taxi into a cabinet of curiosities. Harvey moonlights as a driver to help fund his trips abroad to discover how other people…

Clement Huylenbroeck

Clement Huylenbroeck’s Wallonie as been added to the collection This is Not a Map, which celebrates the encounter between a photographer and a place. These fake maps, printed on original paper,…

Stephane Remael

Work from Photographer Stéphane Remael and Journalist Léna Mauger, Les Évaporés "The Vanished" a documentary  research of several years that took them to Tokyo,Osaka and all the way to the…

Jean-Yves Lemoigne

"Like everyone else, I discovered GIFs about ten years ago, but back then it was more like animated design. Then cinemagraphs started appearing four or five years ago. Those…

Sahin Kaygun at Istanbul Modern

Istanbul Modern is holding an exhibition devoted to Sahin Kaygun. Kaygun played an important role in the development of Turkish photography in the 1980s. Refusing to take a political stance…

Photobook Melbourne

This year Australia has a new photography festival to add to the calendar: Photobook Melbourne. The brainchild of fine art photographer and designer, and now Festival Director, Heidi Romano, and…


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