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All archives of The Eye of Photography are classified by theme in this section. It contains various articles about photography art, exclusive interviews of famous photographers, an economic section, public or private collections presentations along with the latest trends in the photography world which are to be discovered in the magazine.

Adam Ekberg

Orchestration of the Ordinary is the first solo exhibition from Adam Ekberg in New York, presented by the ClampArt gallery. His staged scenes of everyday objects are at the border between photography…

Zineland by Antoine Soubrier: Alla Carta

Alla Carta is a solid, good-looking, semi-annual journal on fine-grain paper. Since 2012, its Milan-based team has explored one of our most valuable goods: food. (Andrea Vigna, as Food Editor, has…

Quebec: 185 Heures by Renaud Philippe

Through February 23rd, Le Cercle, an arts space in Quebec, will be holding the exhibition 185 HEURES by Renaud Philippe. A photojournalist and founder of the STIGMAT collective, Philippe’s series was…


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