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PhotographyIn Memoriam

Our obituary section. Women and men who have influenced the art & photography world.

Robert Mapplethorpe

Four years ago Robert Mapplethorpe died - on March 9, 1989, to be exact. Robert was very exacting. You can sense that in his work, which has a precision that…

Joe Macdonald

Joe Macdonald and I met in the mid-1970s, a heady time for photography. He had just begun collecting seriously. He was a wonderfully good-looking man who achieved astonishing success as…

Death of François-Xavier Seren

François-Xavier Seren, photographer and reporter for more than thirty years passed away on December 21, 2012. In 1980, François-Xavier Seren began his career as a photographer. His black-and-white both explore…

Death of Michel Birot

Michel Birot was born in Aurillac, France. After studying in Toulouse, he joined the photo lab at the Agence Delpire in Paris in 1975, working with some of the country’s…

Death of Guy Borremans

Without a doubt one of the most important Canadian photographers of the 20th century, Guy Borremans died on December 29. Known not only as a photographer, but also as a…

Death of Michelle Vignes

Michelle Vignes had a burning passion for social documentary photography and used it not only to create important bodies of work but to support other emerging and established photographers through…


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