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PhotographyIn Memoriam

Our obituary section. Women and men who have influenced the art & photography world.

Dominique Darbois

It was only last year that I discovered the work of Dominique Darbois through Karl Joseph, artistic director of the Rencontres Photographiques de Guyane, which exhibited her photographs of the Wayana people,…

Robert Lebeck

Robert Lebeck (1929-2014) was a photographer for the German magazine Stern and one of his country’s greatest photojournalists. He died on June 14th. His gallery, Lumas, sent us these photographs as a tribute.…

Tribute to Rudolf Kicken

"In 1975 or 1976, eyes still virgin and my head full of projects, I arrived at Art Basel and felt a thundrous photographic revelation in the face of works displayed…

Rudolf Kicken

Rudolf Kicken, the founder of one of the oldest photo galleries in Germany and one of one of its biggest art dealers, died last week at the age of 67.…

Pierre Houlès

His meeting with Jean-Paul Goude would prove decisive. Jean-Paul came to New York to work as an art director forEsquire. Very soon he wanted to take his own photographs but…

Pierre Houlès

In the mid-1960s, Pierre left for New York. He was the first person to discover what would become, over the next twenty years, the Eldorado for young French photographers: the…

Pierre Houlès

My uncle Pierre was a man filled with humor and mirthful mischief,  a sort of impossibly handsome and roguish version of Shakespeare’s Puck. Pierre’s shining, wild, wonderful, crazy, devastatingly beautiful…

Roger Mayne

Roger Mayne had a heart attack last week and died Saturday June 7th.Roger’s seminal body of work on the working class neighborhoods of London in the 1950s and early 1960s made him one of the most important post-war British photographers. Photography…

Michael Schmidt

It was with immense sadness that we learned of the death of Michael Schmidt on Saturday 24th of May. Three days previously Michael was awarded the fifth Prix Pictet for Lebensmittel, his monumental…

Au Revoir Henri Bureau

Anyone associated with photojournalism in the 60’s through the 90’s is familiar with the name Henri Bureau. His image of the burning oil refineries in Abadan, Iran during the Iran/Iraq…


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