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PHotoEspaña 2014

Xavier Mulet’s M. Ardan is a work of fiction, a photographic project influenced by the writings of Herman Melville, Gustave Flaubert, Guy de Maupassant, Edgar Allan Poe, Julio Verne, Robert Louis Stevenson,…

PHotoEspaña 2014

Photography 2.0 explores the changes taking place in Spanish photography in the context of mass image production, globalization and post-capitalism Joan Fontcuberta surveys the work of around twenty photographers born…

PHotoEspaña 2014

La Palangana was a photography collective formed in 1959 by members of Madrid’s Real Sociedad Fotográfica, friends sharing similar aesthetic and theoretical convictions. Their chief aim was to move away from…

PHotoEspaña 2014

Joan Vilatobà is one of the major figures of Spanish photographic pictorialism. Though praised by critics and specialists, his work has gone largely unnoticed by the general public. This exhibition looks…

PHotoEspaña 2014

Photography and Modern Architecture in Spain, 1925-1965 is the result of ongoing research, and provides the first explicit examination of the role played by photography in Spanish modernist architecture. The exhibition…

PHotoEspaña 2014

Though heirs, in a sense, to the Humanist realism of an earlier generation, the approach adopted by the six photographers was different in a number of ways: they shunned Neo-realist…

PHotoEspaña 2014

The history of photobooks in Spain was shaped by key historical events, such as the Civil War and the transition to democracy, which provided the subject matter for some of…


PHotoEspaña 2014 opened in Madrid last week. The festival ocupies a strange place in the photo world. The locations are sumptuous (The Reina Sofia Museum, the Museum of Romanticism, the…

PHotoEspaña 2014

For over thirty years, Chema Conesa, winner of the 2012 Madrid Regional Government Photography Award, has been assembling an extensive biography of Spain through his portraits. His sitters include leading Spanish…

PHotoEspaña 2014

Espacio Fundación Telefónica is hosting the first-ever retrospective of Antoni Arissa, a leading Spanish avant-garde photographer His approach was influenced by New Vision precepts and by the work of contemporary European…


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