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AIPAD 2015 : 798 Gallery (CN)

798 Photo Gallery, the first gallery solely dedicated to art photography in China was established in 2003. They represent both 20th-century vintage and contemporary photographs from leading artists. In part…

AIPAD 2015 : M97 Gallery (CN)

M97 Gallery is an independent photographic art gallery on Moganshan Road in central Shanghai. Established in 2006, M97 represents a range of important Chinese and international emerging and established artists.…

AIPAD 2015 : Galerie f5,6 (DE)

In part of the AIPAD Photography Show 2015, the Galerie f5,6 selected for us  three photographs from Carl Strüwe and Anne Schwalbe's work. Between 1926 and 1959 Carls Strüwe (1898-1988) worked on the…


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