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Discover here our coverage of all the photographic exhibitions in the world, in galleries, museums or cultural spaces, with analyzes, reviews, interviews, and portfolios of images.

Baudouin Mouanda: Sapeurs

The Sapeurs exhibition unveils the secret society of Congo Brazzaville's finest and most elegant people. Featuring a series of flamboyant and extravagant photographs, Baudoin Mouanda portrays the Sapeurs, members of…

Irene Kung: –The Invisible City

Irene Kung plunges cities into darkness to make their iconic monuments stand out. Floating in an artificial light and a futuristic atmosphere, these singular structures look like space ships floating…

Ezra Stoller: A Scale Model of America

Over the course of half a century, the American photographer Ezra Stoller documented the architecture of his country with the precision of a specialist in scale models. He frames the…

David Collins: –White Rhino

David Collins is a young photographer from Perth, Western Australia who is making his mark in artistic circles with his lavishly detailed, large-format photographic stories that draw on biblical tales…

Alexander Rodtschenko (1891-1956)

On the third floor of the Galerienhaus, a building which houses 13 art galleries in the Kreuzberg neighborhood of Berlin, the Galerie Berinson is showcasing the photographs of Alexander Rodtschenko.…


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