Christophe Loviny is the artistic director of the Yangon Photo Festival in Myanmar and I’ve just had a talk with him about the festival and the new photography scene…
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Dozen of unfinished and abandoned structures haunt Bangkok’s skyline. Started in the mid-1990s, many of these building were never used as luxury hotels or fancy apartments. Today – after…
En attribuant à /adaptant l'hétérotopie suivant le concept de Foucault, j'en déduis comment est le lieu/l'espace ou l'utopie, le fantastique acquiert la substance matérielle. Le mirroir est simultanément une utopie…
Europe's currency union brought abrupt prosperity to it's poorest member, Greece. But continent's financial crisis has hit the hardest here. The nation's wealthy swiftly exported their money at the…
C’est en Suisse, dans le massif du Saint-Gothard, que le Rhône prend sa source. Alimenté par un glacier à 1 753 m d’altitude, il s’écoule vers la vallée helvète, traverse…
From one space the other, there is a crack where I dance. Each image is a talisman. Each image is a mantra offering itself. Here it is. Epiphany. From one…
Les clichés réunis sous le titre « des lignes et des Hommes » illustrent ma démarche photographique initiée depuis prés de dix ans. Ainsi, j’affectionne le jeu des lignes et…
An exhibition of the earliest photographs of Upper Burma, by Linnaeus Tripe, is on view at Hans P. Kraus Jr. Fine Photographs. Linnaeus Tripe: Views of Burma presents more than…
The Little Black Gallery presents Tyler Udall's work. As an emerging photographer Tyler Udall has already made a big impact in American photography. In his two short years as a…