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Discover here our coverage of all the photographic exhibitions in the world, in galleries, museums or cultural spaces, with analyzes, reviews, interviews, and portfolios of images.

Le BAL: “S’il y a lieu, je pars

The highway is the subject of the latest group exhibition at Le BAL, S’il y a lieu, je pars avec vous (If There’s Room, I’ll Ride With You). Five artists, Sophie Calle, Julien Magre,…

Me and Mortensen

When I was seventeen and photography was a lot younger I would sometimes see pictures of by a man named William Mortensen in the photography magazines I read. There was…

New York: Julie Blackmon

The Dutch saying “a Jan Steen household” originated in the 17th century and is used today to refer to a home in disarray, full of rowdy children and boisterous family…

Clifford Ross

The painter and sculptor Clifford Ross turned to photography in the mid-1990s. The photographs in the series Hurricane were taken in Long Island, New York. Standing waist-deep in the ocean and held by ropes,…

Trends : Matt Henry

This is one of eight chapters of a long-term project I am working on. Each chapter is different but the overriding themes are the politics and culture of the USA…


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