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Discover here our coverage of all the photographic exhibitions in the world, in galleries, museums or cultural spaces, with analyzes, reviews, interviews, and portfolios of images.

AIPAD 2012 –Vince Aletti

1. How and when did you begin collecting? What was the first photograph you bought? Casually, compulsively, and mostly at flea markets, where I bought cartes de visite portraits, real-photo…

Karen Buttin–

Opposée à une image trop fréquemment simpliste et caricaturale véhiculée par les “global medias”, je tente de créer une photographie “suggestive” susceptible de provoquer un dialogue, de susciter des interrogations.…

Jordi V. Pou

For me photography is about intimacy revealed. About searching personal fears in reality and transform them to something unreal, a big lie, a photograph. These images from my current project,…


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