Photographer/Author. Students at the photography school Gobelins- Paris 13. Licentiate pro cultural administrator University Paul Valéry - Montpellier III. Adviser for photography on the festival « Miror sound » of…

Photographer/Author. Students at the photography school Gobelins- Paris 13. Licentiate pro cultural administrator University Paul Valéry - Montpellier III. Adviser for photography on the festival « Miror sound » of…
Serie des images qui explore l´identité de quelques personnes de la communauté mexicaine dans leur vie quotidienne, a travers des souvenirs, des affinités et des experiéncies, ainsi que l´adaptation dans…
Les images de la série en question ont été faites entre 2009 et 2011 dans les rues de Lyon, où j'habite depuis cinq ans. J'ai 23 ans. J'ai découvert la photographie…
Out On A Limb est un projet photographique et céramique. Les parties du corps en céramique sont faites à partir de moulages en plâtre de mon propre corps. Sur une période de…
BIBLE ADINFINITUM© combines advertising decollage and digital photography to unearth a new vision of the Old Testament. I've been working on this series for the past decade, tearing through…
Nearly three years after the death of this renowned anthropologist, Defacto La Gallery is revisiting the photographic work of Claude Levi-Strauss. As he once said himself, he never considered photography…
I made the first photo from the Veils series in Alger. She was a young woman with veil imbued with great magnetism and intensity in her gaze. There was an…
In my works I want to show beauty of people in Harmony with Nature and city I live in. Idea (or fantasy) comes into my head (sometimes in the night).…