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Our coverage of all photo auctions, with announcements, estimates, results and discoveries.

One more chance

So once again the Photo Review Benefit Auction are having a sealed bid auction of unsold lots from this year’s auction. The unsold lots plus some new additions, along with…

Sotheby’s Paris –december 15th

Tomorrow’s Sotheby’s Paris auction will feature an exceptional collection of three emblematic poets, Rimbaud, Verlaine and Mallarmé. This collection of 180 books, manuscipts, photographs and engravings will also feature a…

Swann –Auction of tomorrow

The auction will be on Thursday. Important Photobooks & Photographs – December 9 Photographs by notable photographers such as Ansel Adams, Edward Curtis, André Kertész, Henri Cartier- Bresson and Berenice Abbott…

Friends Without –A Border

Photographers and their representatives have generously donated their work to the upcoming 14th Annual Friends of Friends Photography Auction, the proceeds of which directly benefit the Angkor Hospital for Children…

Richard Avedon –Fixing the Ineffable

Richard Avedon’s photographs have impressed themselves on the consciousness of successive generations through their very singular authority. If any photographer deserves to have that over-used term ‘iconic’ attached to…


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