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All photographic events in the world are listed in this section. Events such as photography exhibitions, festivals, art fairs, auctions… The Eye of Photography is the focal point to find the best photography events around you.

Prix Levallois: 2019 Call for entries

The Prix Levallois team is pleased to announce the opening of submissions for the Prix Levallois 2019, from March 4th to May 2nd, at midnight (French time), online :…

Fondation Hoepfner Photo Contest

For the sixth time, the Hoepfner Foundation in Karlsruhe is organizing a photo competition on the theme "Evolution of the steam engine, from the steam engine to the digital transformation".…

Dorothea Lange: Politics of Seeing

Le Frist Art Museum présente l'exposition «Dorothea Lange: Politics of Seeing», qui regroupe plus de 150 objets, dont des photographies d'époque et modernes, des lettres et une vidéo de et…

Escapades by André Carrara

The ArtCube Gallery presents André Carrara's Escapades. Each image, like the precious and furtive look of a lover of women, as Gilles Ben Simon says.…


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