The Bildhalle has represented Sissi Farassat since 2018 and is now pleased to present the first solo exhibition in the gallery, for which the artist has almost exclusively created new…
By presenting the works of these two great photographers from the beginning of the 20th century, the Miranda Gallery pays a tribute to the beauty of nature, a theme at…
KLAPTY, the Swiss start-up, is about to bring a revolution to the world of 360 degree virtual visits
Klapty's platform, launched at the RENT real-estate fair in Paris on November 6th & 7th 2019, is geared towards providing true added-value to people wanting to produce interactive virtual visits.…
Apply now for the Gomma Photography Grant 2019. The deadline is November 04, 2019.…
Join Formento + Formento to share, for a weekend, their expertise during a Masterclass, the first Masterclass / workshop of the duo in Paris, exclusively for Normal.…
Infinitely sensitive and poetic, Pierrot Men’s work is polymorphic. Informative, ethnographic, bathed in humanity, it matured safely out of sight since the 1970s in order to become the incredible variety…
For the upcoming 10th edition, MIA Photo Fair is pleased to announce the first edition of its award “New-Post Photography?”…
Hosted in the oldest cinema of Paris, the Cinema Studio 28 in Montmartre, the exhibition "In perspective", offers a selection of behind-the-scenes photographs of the 72nd Cannes Film Festival revealing…
Henry Kenyon presents "Pourquoi suis-je Londinien et toi un Parisien?" at the Studio in Paris until 26 October 2019.…
Magreen Gallery presents Alberto Magrin at Fotofever from November, 8 to 10, 2019.…