In Lyon, the Vrais Rêves Gallery welcomes the photographic creations of Dominique Lardet, marked by a subtle play of superimposition.…
The Vendsyssel Kunstmuseum (Hjørring, Denmark) presents the exhibition The Breath of Leviathan - The creature of the sea, the first solo exhibition of the photographer Josephine Douet in Denmark. The…
Galerie XII presents Carole Bellaïche: Bd de Beaumarchais, on the occasion of the release of the eponymous book by Editions Revelatoer.…
%%excerpt%% La Galerie Roger-Viollet présente pour la première fois, du 20/01 au 23/04, quatre-vingts tirages modernes de Gaston Paris.…
The Stenin Contest is the only competition in Russia that discovers new names in international photojournalism and develops quality standards for documentary photography. The contest is aimed at supporting young…
The 2021 edition of the Planches Contact festival looks promising, with a new director, Laura Serani. Here's an overview!…
Every year, the Planches Contact Festival promotes young photographic creation through the Tremplin Jeunes Talents programme. Five photographers are selected by a jury of image professionals to benefit from a…