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All photographic events in the world are listed in this section. Events such as photography exhibitions, festivals, art fairs, auctions… The Eye of Photography is the focal point to find the best photography events around you.

Álvaro Laiz: The Hunt

The Udege people, in eastern Siberia, have lived in the boreal forest for hundreds of years. Due to their close contact with nature, their […]…

Liu Bolin, Ghost Stories

Sculptor, performer and photographer, Liu Bolin, nicknamed “the invisible man”, presents in this retrospective exhibition photographs from the four main themes addressed in his […]…

Simon Roberts: Normandy

The Centre Photographique in Rouen has asked Roberts to look at the region of greater Normandy as part of an ongoing project initiated several […]…

Tina Merandon, Luttes

Luttes is a journey through the photography series created in the last few years by Tina Merandon capturing the body in movement. Tina explores […]…

Kourtney Roy, Sorry, No Vacancy

Catherine et André Hug Gallery presents Kourtney Roy’s third solo exhibition. Sorry, The work continues to use Kourtney Roy’s own image as protagonist in […]…

Zona Maco Foto 2017

Zonamaco postponed programme of parallel activities and conference programme until further notice (events in the framework of fairs). The organisators have set up a […]…

Trevor Paglen, A Study of Invisible Images

Trevor Paglen’s A Study of Invisible Images is the first exhibition of works to emerge from his ongoing research into computer vision, artificial intelligence (AI) and […]…


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