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All photographic events in the world are listed in this section. Events such as photography exhibitions, festivals, art fairs, auctions… The Eye of Photography is the focal point to find the best photography events around you.

Inbal Abergil: N.O.K. – Next of Kin

N.O.K.- Next Of Kin examines the ways in which American families memorialize their relatives killed in military conflict. Abergil traveled throughout the US to […]…

Sandrine Lopez: Moshé

This is not a set of photographs. Let’s go further: this is something else and much more than a particular project. Moshe does not […]…

Vincent Pérez: A Journey in Russia

During the four trips that they took in 2016 and 2017, Vincent Pérez and Olivier Rolin traversed Russia from Arkhangelsk in the north to […]…

Seizing the photographic

What does photography mean nowadays? Where is the photographic in today’s photography? How has the image, its distribution, its ease of access affected the […]…

Jacques Henri Lartigue

Designer Agnès b. remembered a conversation she had with curator Martine d’Astier about Jacques Henri Lartigue twenty years ago. Today, she hosts an exhibition […]…

Juana Gómez: Distaff

Chilean artist Juana Gómez’s hand embroidered photographic canvases combine the spheres of scientific exploration with ancestral tradition. Weaving complex scientific and mythological patterns onto […]…

Marc Ohrem-Leclef: Jugaad / Of Intimacy and Love

Clark House Initiative, Mumbai is pleased to present Jugaad / Of Intimacy and Love, a solo exhibition of photographs and texts by Marc Ohrem-Leclef. […]…

From Les Éparges to the Verdun Memorial

Tribute to Maurice Genevoix Photographs lest we forget – Fabrice Dekoninck and Sylvain Demange On the fiftieth anniversary of the inauguration of the Verdun […]…

Emilie Delugeau: We must meet apart

Emilie Delugeau’s We Must Meet Apart series is titled after one of the great love poems by American Emily Dickinson (1830-1886). Such a choice, radical […]…


Cats occupy a very prominent position at Schilt Publishing & Gallery. For one thing, our logo is a cat. Not just any cat, but […]…


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