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Catalogue Festival Circulation(s) 2015 on KissKissBankBank

The fifth edition of festival Circulation(s) opens soon at the CentQuatre in Paris. The association Fetart is once again holding a crowdfunding campaign on KissKissBankBank to help finance its 130-page catalogue featuring 46 photographers from the festival. The work is published by Bec en l’Air. Donations from 5€ to 1000€ will be compensated. You have 13 more days  to participate!

Organised by Fetart, an association led by a team of volunteers, the Circulation(s) Festival offers a fresh perspective on Europe through photography. It is unique and it aims at bringing about the talents of the young European photography and to federate a network of stakeholder sharing the same ambition as Fetart: to help the young photographers  integrate  the professional world and to make the public discover the innovating contemporary artistic creation.

This year, the Circulation(s) Festival settles again in the CENTQUATRE in PARIS from January, 24 to March, 8 2015. In this key location of the cultural scene, the festival has the opportunity to  meet the general public.  
Entirely free, the festival’s program revolves around a large exhibition that showcases the works of 21 young European photographers selected after a call for entry, and a jury made up of visual arts professionals led by the sponsor of this edition, Nathalie Herschdorfer and the director of the CENTQUATRE José Manuel Gonçalves. In total, 46 photographers will present their works in the shape of exhibitions, screenings, installations… Some workshops open meetings and portfolios assessments will take place as well. 
For the first time this year, you will also be able to discover our “exhibition at children’s height ” !!! Some visits, games and workshops will take place in this exhibition put together especially for our dear 5 to 12 year old children… 


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