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CAMERA WORK Virtual Gallery : Precisionism in Photography


CAMERA WORK Virtual Gallery presents the exhibition Precisionism in Photography. The art movement Precisionism was especially widespread in the USA between the World Wars and can be classified as part of American Realism.

The artists of Precisionism were inspired in particular by deserted industrial landscapes, which they interpreted realistically, but also with elements of Cubism and Futurism. The best-known representative of Precisionism is the artist Georgia O’Keeffe, who at the same time occupies a special position within the art movement, since her work is the only one to include depictions of floral objects.

The exhibition in the CAMERA WORK Virtual Gallery takes up stylistic characteristics of Precisionism and presents them through 18 works by photographic artists such as Ellioa Erwia, Olaf Heine, Thomas Hoepker, Robert Polidori, and Albert Watson, among others. Influences of painting on photography and vice versa become visible.

In 2020, CAMERA WORK established the CAMERA WORK Virtual Gallery — an innova[ve, high quality online gallery where art collectors and art lovers can experience exclusive exhibitions:


Kantstrasse 149
10623 Berlin · Germany

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