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CAMERA WORK : Around the World – Los Angeles


The CAMERA WORK Virtual Gallery presents the first exhibition of the Around the World exhibition cycle. The first part of the series is dedicated to the city of Los Angeles and explores how selected artists represent and contextualize the metropolis in their works.

Over 30 works in the virtual exhibition provide insight into multifaceted Los Angeles. Through architectural photography, celebrity and portrait photography, as well as conceptual and socially critical photography, a complex picture of the legendary metropolis is revealed.

The exhibited works are by selected artists such as Bryan Adams, Michel Comte, David Drebin, Elliott Erwitt, Olaf Heine, Thomas Hoepker, Russell James, David LaChapelle, Terry O’Neill, Robert Polidori, Herb Ritts, Steve Schapiro, Martin Schoeller, Ellen von Unwerth, and David Yarrow.

Virtual exhibition online until November 1, 2023 at CAMERA WORK Virtual Gallery


Kantstrasse 149
10623 Berlin · Germany
phone: +49 (0)30 310077-73

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