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Paris Photo 2015 : Brigitte Zieger at the Ouizeman Gallery


Brigitte Zieger is interested in the ambivalence of the seducing power of violence. In this series, it is the image of the armed woman, largely displayed in the media and in films, that altogether fascinates, seduces, and frightens. We have already seen, in her exhibition Face au mur (Facing the wall at the Musée de Pully, a beautiful romantic lady shooting at us noisily before blending back into an animated toile de Jouy. Here, girls, killers, shooters, gunslingers, sexy or grandmas, unknown individuals or icons of the armed struggle, are pointing at us, brandishing guns on the extreme surface of the image.

Working from a precise selection of photographs collected on Internet, the artist then uses drawing, but with eye shadow colors. An insidious and mastered discrepancy; she had already made drawings of explosions, revealing a similar attractive and delicate eye shadow aesthetics, which, if “applied gently, contradicts the action…”

We feel trapped into these “Made-up photographs, ” images that fully assume their visual and glamorous efficiency much like the pinup posters of passed years. Could it be that women have changed…

Paris Photo 2015
November 12th-15th, 2015
Grand Palais

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