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BPM : 2013-2023 – 10 years / 10 photographers


On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the BPM – Biennale de la Photographie de Mulhouse, this exhibition in the public space brings together 10 photographers who have participated in the different editions of the festival since 2013. The selection shows a diversity of photographic approaches, but all the photographers demonstrate a sensitive conception, both poetic and political, of the contemporary world. The common thread of the photographs exhibited is the questioning of the possibility or impossibility of inhabiting the world transformed by human activity. Janine Bächle, Céline Clanet and Paul Gaffney question the means of living in harmony with nature, Rebecca Topakian, Michel François, Christophe Bourguedieu, Nathalie Wolff & Matthias Bumiller question post-capitalist society, its borders and its contradictions. More intimate, Matthew Genitempo and Pascal Amoyel photograph their loved ones in a relationship with the territory of life. Finally, Geert Goiris illustrates a fundamental tension between humans and nature.


BPM : 2013-2023 – 10 ans / 10 photographes.
Opening October 7, 2023
Quai des Cigognes, Mulhouse

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