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Bourse du Talent 2017: the “frailties” in the world


Until March 4th 2018, the works of photographers from the Bourse du Talent are being shown on the François Mitterrand site of the Bibliothèque National de France (BnF). An encounter that cannot be ignored with emerging photography. Picto Foundation, associated with the photolab Picto since the creation of the award, invites you all this week to a stimulating immersion with a new vintage of creative and involved activities.

Each year since 1998, based on the idea of Jean-François Bauret, Didier de Faÿs and Yan Morvan, the founders of, the Bourse du Talent identifies the best of emerging creation in the fields of reportage, portraiture, fashion and landscape. The exhibition presented by the BnF, accompanied for the last two years by a book published by editions Delpire , allows a wide audience to discover these new visual propositions as well as catch a glimpse of the strengths of a committed, contemporary photographic approach.

Regrouped this year under the banner “Frailties”, ours as well as those of our world, these young photographers devised projects that were fruitful, profound and important. Each of the four winners and the nine favourites addressed the topic in a personal and edifying way. Whether it is the situation of the Yakuza women in Japan, the migrant question that three of them tackled or the influence of the free sale of guns on the very young in the United States, each brought in their own way a kind of gravity, emotion, and prompted questioning and awareness.

This week we are offering you in turn a conversation with Héloïse Conésa, curator in charge of photography at the BnF, and the exhibition’s co-curator – to start the 2017 edition of the Bourse du Talent, its exhibition and to highlight the institution’s link with this programme now for a decade – and the meeting with the latest winners. We will end this journey by shining the spotlight on an original project that underlines the qualities and the pathways of previous winners of the award. We will discuss the free hand recently entrusted by the Fondation Louis Roederer to several of them to illustrate the pages of a special edition of L’Officiel to be devoted entirely to the prestigious house of champagne.

This vintage is an exceptional panorama of young photographic creativity that we offer to your attention.

Vincent Marcilhacy

Vincent Marcilhacy is Director of the Picto Foundation, in Paris.



Bourse du talent 2017
15th December 2017 to 4th March 2018
Bibliothèque François Mitterrand
Quai François Mauriac
75706 Paris

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