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Blandine Soulage



In a world becoming increasingly sedentary, investing space with movement invites to move along the border between banality and artistic space. Initiated in 2019, the «Deviation» series displays bodies in unexpected postures that deviate from the ordinary to the extra-ordinary. Unpredicted trajectories, misdirections, reversals of perspective disorganize reality, drawing their own poetic routes. These images feature anonymous characters whose faces are never visible, highlighting expression through the shapes of their bodies Their various “body patterns” open up a world of fictions with open-ended interpretations. Created in collaboration with dancers, these images place their movement potential at the service of imaginary narratives. However, the gesture remains non-performative, these anonymous bodies could be those of anyone. Composed around the graphic and chromatic possibilities of minimalist architectures, these images invite negative space as a breath within the frenetic rhythm of the city. From September 9 to December 15, 2023, this series is displayed in a photographic installation in public space in Lyon., inviting passersby to an artistic “deviation” from their urgent and optimized trajectories. In public space, this installation creates a meaningful dialogue with the inhibitants, encouraging them to explore new perspectives of their daily environment. Mediation workshops for children are organized by the Chic, de l’Archi association in connection with the exhibition, focusing on urban architecture and creativity.

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