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Bildhalle : Douglas Mandry : Wind From Nowhere


Bildhalle Amsterdam presents the exhibition Wind From Nowhere by Douglas Mandry.

In constant dialogue with his means of making, subject and surroundings, Douglas Mandry opens up new ways of engaging with the world around us.

Mandry experiments with the potential of photography, he is interested in the influence of science and technology on our pictorial and spatial conception of nature. Mandry questions materiality. By using physical materials and printing methods, he examines notions of tangibility and permanence.

The title “Wind from Nowhere” is an homage to the 1961 science fiction novel by J.G. Ballard. It describes natural disasters and how tragedies can bring people together in ways no normal experience ever could. Part of the solo exhibition is his newest series Retardant Panels. In an era of anthropocentrism, this new body of work intends to remind us that the romantic vision of nature is no longer the one of a single human being but rather a quest for collectivity.


Douglas Mandry : Wind From Nowhere
September 22 – November 11, 2023
Bildhalle Amsterdam
Willemsparkweg 134H
1071 HR Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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