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Bercy Village : Yann Arthus-Bertrand & Brian Skerry : Planète Océan


Bercy Village, which for several years has given multiple artists and photographers the opportunity to exhibit their works on its walls, is joining forces with the GoodPlanet Foundation and inviting Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Brian Skerry to display 30 aerial and underwater breathtaking photographs. A true testimony to the close relationship between civilization and the ocean, the “Planète Océan” exhibition also raises awareness of environmental issues.

The two world-famous photographers combine their talents and offer a new look at the beauty and unsuspected resources of the marine environment: From the splendor of schools of tropical fish, to the impressive Ulsan shipyard in South Korea in passing by the nesting of a leatherback turtle on a beach.


Yann Arthus-Bertrand & Brian Skerry : Planète Océan
Until January 6, 2024
Bercy Village
Cour Saint Emilion
75012 Paris

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