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Baghir, supernatural colours of natural forms


Nicolas Baghir Maslowski was born in France in 1974.He chose Baghir for his artist name from the given name of his Russian grandfather who died in 1917. His photographs are in the pictorialist tradition started at the end of the nineteenth century (Robert Demachy, Alvin Coburn, Edward Steichen). The pictorialists aimed to put forward their own vision of the subject and to transform reality with the help of a variety of processes such as soft-focus or chiaroscuro effects or even sophisticated printing techniques. Their ambition was to break with the industrial vision of photography in favour of the artistic sensitivities of the photographer. It was Albert Steiglitz (1864-1946) who asserted himself as the movement’s leader, pushing this style of photography through his magazine Camera Works and organising the first museum exhibitions in New York.

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