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Avallon : Joëlle Dollé : My Body, My Life, My Planet


The town of Avallon presents an exhibition by Joëlle Dollé. She writes.

“My desire is to restore the human body to its natural place. Our body expresses itself and lives with the traces and marks of its history. Unique, it reveals our being in each instant and in each present moment. Joëlle photographs the adequacy between the person and their body. Each portrait is an encounter. Each encounter is a story, each body the expression of a life, and each photo a shared creation.” – Joëlle Dollé

Joëlle Dollé left Paris in 2020, today she lives and works in Burgundy where she has set up her studio. She works everywhere in France.
Artistic director in advertising agencies for ten years, she decided in 1995 to devote herself entirely to photography in order to cast her artistic eye on the subjects that are close to her heart.
Through her portraits and her work on identity, she deals with social issues, providing another perspective on ourselves, on our relationship with others and with nature.


Joëlle Dollé : Mon Corps, Ma vie, Ma planète
Until June 16, 2024
Salles Saint-Pierre & La Fabrique
Rue Bocquillot
Avallon 89200

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