For people who cleave to chauvinist/xenophobic/white supremacist notions of identity, whiteness is taken literally: an instantly recognisable marker for racial or chromatic aspects of […]…
Author Sean Sheehan
By Sean Sheehan Markéta Luskačová went to the seaside, on the north-east coast of England, in 1976 and ‘77 to visit a friend. Returning […]…
The introduction to This Place – a large format photobook (32.00 x 30.00 cm) with the works of twelve contemporary photographers – states how […]…
Any genealogy of the idioms of pre-digital photography needs to acknowledge characteristics of Saul Leiter’s work that went entirely un-noted at the time. He […]…
It is now a truism to point out that digital realm gives scope for changing the ‘reality’ of an image in ways that were […]…
J.G. Ballard, arch-connoisseur of shifting ontologies, remarked more than once how he came to see reality as ‘a stage set … that could be […]…
Daniëlle van Zadelhoff, born in Holland but now living in Belgium, started taking photographs six years ago and her aesthetic is distinctive and personal. […]…
Magnum photographer Bieke Depoorter gained attention for work arising from a three-month travel trip across Russia, using the Trans-Siberian Railway, and it helped gain […]…