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Romain Laurent

For the past 21 weeks, the photographer Romain Laurent has posted one animated gif per week on his blog. The absurd, dreamlike situations are true to the photographer’s style. Based in New…

Le BAL / PMU en vidéo

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Christine Ollier: Unseen, Amsterdam Unseen is an international photography fair focused on undiscovered photography talent and unseen work by established photographers. The second edition of Unseen Photo Fair was held from the 26th to…

Sebastiao Salgado: Genesis After the United Kingdom, Brazil, Italy, Canada and Switzerland, the exhibition « Genesis » by Sebastião Salgado is presented in France.  The 245 occupy three floors of the Maison Européenne de la Photographie. 8…

Interview Xavier Barral In part of Les Rencontres d’Arles 2013 we discovered black and white photographs  of the planet Mars. A few months later, the book Mars, exploration photographique was just released by Editions Xavier…

Robin Hammond by Our age is 13 Robin Hammond, photojournaliste néo-zélandais, expose depuis le 19 octobre au festival Photoreporter de Saint-Brieuc un sujet sur la capitale du Nigeria : Lagos. Entre l’émergence d’une classe moyenne africaine dans…

Guy Martin by Our age is 13 Guy Martin était photojournaliste, mais il se dit maintenant photographe. Fatigué de devoir correspondre aux attentes des magazines et des titres de presse, il a décidé de s’éloigner des zones…

Raymond Depardon

At the occasion to his exhibition at the Grand Palais, Raymond Depardon met Molly Benn and Bernard Perrine, for L'Oeil de la Photographie. Here is the video directed by Our age…

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