Si la musique électronique a révolutionné la sphère musicale et artistique, qu'en est-il de ses fondations ? en quoi la technologie a t-elle toujours précédé les évolutions créatives ou vice…
Author marie-elisabeth-de-la-fresnaye
PHE16 has just kicked off its three months’ run (June 1 – August 28) with 94 exhibitions, 330 artists, 52 museum partners, 16 programs of activities for professionals and the…
PhotoLondon is spreeding all around through satellite events and London is becoming the lastest hub for photography ! Here is the 5 Must See shows for all tastes and sensitivity.…
Let us, each week, discover this new generation of players who seize images in their daily lives; gallery owners but also editors, art advisors, directors of institutions or fairs,…
The new features of the second Photo London include an elegant Pavilion in the main courtyard and a new Annex which will accommodate over a dozen additional galleries, three major…
3è édition de CHOICES sur l'impulsion de Marion Papillon, qui fédère 36 galeries, les 21 et 22 mai entre Belleville, Pantin, Saint Germain, Jussieu/Bastille, Palais-Royal et le Marais, le tout…
Few days before the opening of Photo London, our journalist Marie de la Fresnaye met directors of the fair : Fariba Farshad and Michael Benson. Here is the interview.…
This week we speak with Philippe Riss, another gallery owner and curator to set up shop on rue Notre-Dame de Nazareth in Paris. He is the founder of XPO Studio…