French-Moroccan photographer Leila Alaoui, who was injured last week when al-Qaeda gunmen attacked a restaurant and hotel in Burkina Faso's capital, has died of her injuries, raising the death toll…
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Le Grand Prix Photo AFD/Polka vient d'être remis au photographe Johann Rousselot pour son travail "Delhi 21" Est-il réaliste de penser que les autorités et planificateurs de Delhi auront su maîtriser…
Pour la 3eme année consécutive, le service photographique de la Présidence de la République organise "le Prix Elysée de la photographie". Le thème de cette édition est « Le président de…
All About Photo Awards invites photographers from around the world to unfold their visual emotions. In reference to Henri Cartier-Bresson’s photo essay, The Mind’s Eye outlines depth and thoughts behind…
Photography is reproductible, and artmarket seems to obey only the principle of ” the rarest rarity “. Leaving of this paradox, how did the […]…
Hans Lucas and Findspire studio collaborated during the 2015 Rencontres d’Arles to produce a series named “Inside”. The idea of this series was to […]…