‘What are those people doing?’ she asked. ‘They’re going to the flea market’, said the chap, ‘or rather that’s the flea market that’s going […]…
Author L'Œil de la Photographie
I noticed the Café Dante was straight ahead. A kid hawking papers: ONE DOESN’T BECOME ONE IS. I knew where I was. Just beyond […]…
(I was looking at everything in the other’s face, the other’s body, coldly: lashes, toenail, thin eyebrows, thin lips, the luster of the eyes, […]…
The viewing room exhibition at Howard Greenberg Gallery brings together a selection of Saul Leiter‘s iconic color street photography, where reflections and abstractions so […]…
I LOVE MY DIABETES an autobiography of care 20 years that I try to photograph this subject. I never even managed to start. 20 […]…
Simple Pleasures is a new series curated by Holden Luntz Gallery, presenting ten of their favorite pictures organized thematically. We hope you find these photographs as […]…
The Fondation’s conservation department regularly presents stand-alone images along the visitors’ journey through the space, telling the unique story behind them and thereby unravelling […]…
On Mother’s Day, a reader, Jean-Jacques Moles, sent us these photos and these few words! “Dear all, I treasured the box of rusty metal […]…
The Eye of Photography presents on a monthly basis features by The Agents Club such as their Insta News, Master Series or Profiles. Miles Aldridge rose […]…