An intelligent and successful advertising campaign against a background of containment. It happened with these pictures of Fred de Pontcharra for Campari. Sublimate establishments […]…
Author L'Œil de la Photographie
An image seen, a desire to see more. An exchange of emails, this portfolio and this text: “I am a photographer and I love […]…
For a while now, Les Douches La Galerie with Françoise Morin have been presenting on line a weekly selection of photographs from their collection […]…
Atget was not ‘aesthetic’. With the marvelous lens of dream and surprise, he ‘saw’ (that is to say, photographed)… with the vision of a […]…
… I forgot about wild laughter, phone calls made for no real reason, handwritten letters, family meals (well, some of them), meals with friends, […]…
Grey skies of crystal. A bizarre design of bridges, now straight, now curved, and others descending in oblique angles to meet the former, and […]…
‘What are those people doing?’ she asked. ‘They’re going to the flea market’, said the chap, ‘or rather that’s the flea market that’s going […]…
I noticed the Café Dante was straight ahead. A kid hawking papers: ONE DOESN’T BECOME ONE IS. I knew where I was. Just beyond […]…
(I was looking at everything in the other’s face, the other’s body, coldly: lashes, toenail, thin eyebrows, thin lips, the luster of the eyes, […]…