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Author L'Œil de la Photographie

Jim Sumkay

I have known Jim for over ten years. He had taken pictures of me behind the scenes of a radio show. I immediately liked […]…

Gérard Mazet

Magritte’s mirrors During a class visit to the René Magritte exhibition at the Pompidou Center in Paris, a kid laughed “He is mad, this […]…

Seb Agnew

Grown-Syncope-Epiphany The three series Grown, Syncope and Epiphany examine individual stages of human reflection. Grown primarily deals with the border between childhood and adulthood and raises the question of what becomes […]…

Sophie Muret

Freedom, There A stripping, Without staging, There, Freedom, there. Isn’t truth the foundation of freedom? Get closer to the essence, Down to the basics. […]…

Michel Gantner

Museal Until now, my photographic research has mainly focused on the silence of objects or plants. The interpretation which results from the observation of […]…

Patrizia Galia

Salanitro A photographic project on the salt marshes of the Trapani Nature Reserve in Sicily. This series of photographs is part of a larger […]…

Kip Harris

South Shore Suite : Horizon Series I walk each day along the shoreline of the Atlantic Coast in Nova Scotia, Canada. There is a […]…

Kathleen Meier

Huis Clos The Huis Clos series confronts us with a suggestive confinement. What happens in us when faced with a dead end situation? How […]…

Yann Arthus-Bertrand : HUMAN

En avril dernier, Yann Arthus Bertrand et la Fondation GoodPlanet publiaient l'intégralité du film documentaire HUMAN. Condensé en trois heures et onze minutes, celui-ci réunit 2200 interview d'hommes et femmes…


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