Between 1984 and 1989 Bernard Faucon created a series of photographs exploring the poetry of spaces based on his memories of growing up in […]…
Author L'Œil de la Photographie
The Miyako Yoshinaga gallery presents till the 15 th of October Melissa Shook, an American photographer, artist, writer, and educator who passed away in 2020 […]…
Polyptyque is back funtil September 10th 2022 ! For this fourth edition, the Polyptyque exhibition offers a panorama of contemporary photography with a focus […]…
In the center of Sardinia, in different villages the Barbagia territory, strange and archaic traditions live on. Practiced by the inhabitants, ancient cults represent the […]…
Khamsa khamsa khamsa—“five” in Arabic, repeated three times like a protective incantation—is an autobiographical visual narrative in the form of a family archive. At […]…
His images describe a sensitive world where fragility is a vehicle of power and pop culture embraces the landscape. Photography is like a weapon, […]…
The photographic work of Françoise Galeron is at the crossroads of documentary and poetic fiction. The relationship between humans and their environment is at […]…
The images of natural and manufactured objects, observed and taken out of context, as well as those of contemplative landscapes and mysterious portraits intend […]…
Lara Tabet is a Lebanese clinical pathologist and visual artist. Her work at the intersection of photography, biology and the environment is rooted in […]…