The Month of Photography in Paris is also the occasion to discoversome photography of original approach. Here five young women who works with fine art photgraphy exploring the female intimacy.…
Author L'Œil de la Photographie
Bruno Mouron and Pascal Rostain are two of the best paparazzi in France. Yesterday night between 18-20 they were standing infront of 19, rue Guénégaud. But they were not looking…
La crème des crèmes, as the french use to say, were all gathered at HSBC at Champs-Elysées for the opening of ”East side story”. No one was missing: Kristine Scott…
After Japan two years ago, followed by Iran and the Arab countries, the spotlight will be on Central Europe this year – the final guest of our trilogy dedicated to…
With Jean-Claude Sauer, a bit of Paris Match’s history is told in thisexhibition. The Vietnam War, face to face with De Gaulle, Pompidou,Giscard… Bullfighting with Dominguin and Ordonez el…
William Klein was the guest of honor at last night’s opening at thePolka Gallery. The Genestar family hosted their friends. StephenDupont’s remarkable portraits of Marines with their commentaries…
Patrick Swirc is especially known for his portraits of movie stars. Here he delivers a more personal work on the association between eroticism and death. A narrow link between Eros…
Yesterday night the whole Paris Match office moved to a Maison Européenne de la Photographie to honour the photographer Olivier Laban-Mattei. Olivier was absent since he already went back to…
Why the Œil (Eye) throughout the month of November? For vanity? Egocentrism? Self congratulation? No. The Oeil exists because the world of photography is so fabulous: a blend…