Why the Œil (Eye) throughout the month of November? For vanity? Egocentrism? Self congratulation? No. The Oeil exists because the world of photography is so fabulous: a blend…
Author L'Œil de la Photographie
Photography is as healthy as ever. That is the conclusion of thismonth of November that just ended. A sparkling Photography Month, a sovereign Paris Photo that saw flocks…
On the 15th of November, Brasserie Lipp celebrated its 130th birthday,while simultaneously presenting the illustrious Cazes prize, in honorof the founder of this mythic Saint Germain des Prés brasserie. …
For the first time in Belgium : After the Château d’eau in Toulouse, Pieter Hugo’s exhibition « On Reality and Other Stories » is being displayed at the Forest…
Robert Bergman’s portraits are on display for the first time in Europe at the Michael Hoppen Gallery in London. Bergman credits his photographic influences to Robert Franck, with portraits…
Enrico Dagnino’s pictures of war in the Balkans, Afghanistan, Africaand the Middle East are currently on display at the Zone 2.8 Galleryin Washington, DC. A direct and humanistic look…
After having worked as Artistic Director of Studio Harcourt, Pierre-Anthony Allard today refers to himself, at 50 years old, as a street photographer. He began photographing newsagents in the…
The Facebook Project is a serie of more than 500 portraits of London clubbers by Irish photographer Morgan O’Donovan. The photographs were taken in bars and clubs during 12 nights…
Balabala is a show that groups a set of artists in the Chapelle Saint-Sauveur for a in situ sculpture, photos, videos and performances set. …