Diemar/Noble Photography in London presents a celebration of the first 100 years of photography in France. Some Photographs taken in France, behind the somewhat reprehensible title – which would perhaps…
Author L'Œil de la Photographie
A new column for La Lettre. Every Friday, Michel Philippot will present his European Press Review. Michel was a photographer from 1977 – 1989 before becoming senior photo…
Through May 28th, the Hotel de Ville in Paris presents an exhibition on the Commune of Paris of 1871. Many photographs capture the dramatic events that unfold in the capital…
The first part of David Schonauer’s press review is reserved for the the capture of Bin Laden, “After Abbottabad.” One week after his capture, President Obama’s approval ratings increased…
Once the tribal land of the Crow, Colstrip was known as the place “Where the Enemy Camps” and “Where the Colts Died.” The Native Americans’ notion of the Seventh Generation…
ICP’s Infinity Awards are to Photography, what the Oscar’s are to the Actor’s Guild. The awards ceremony opened with inspiring words from ICP Director, Willis ‘Buzz’ Hartshorn, honoring the two…
Tuesday night’s International Center of Photography’s 27th Annual Infinity Awards, held at Pier Sixty in New York City’s Chelsea Piers, began with a wonderful cocktail reception. The sun setting over…
The creation of a new publishing house is such a rare event that it must be announced. We have become so accustomed to hearing about publishing’s decline that this…
To celebrate the 30th anniversary of François Mitterrand’s May 10, 1981 victory, the Socialist Party is presenting a series of pictures featured on the first pages of dailies covering “The…