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Author L'Œil de la Photographie

Max Hirshfeld

The 175 employees of Atlas Container produce corrugated boxes in a simple, mid-century building outside Baltimore, Md. I have photographed over 80 people so far in the factory in an attempt…

Martial Rossignol

My name is Martial Rossignol. I was born in 1958 and I live and work in Arras, France. After completing my studies (Economics and multimedia), I became a teacher. I…

Bryan Stokely

My name is Bryan Stokely. I'm 33 years old and I've been living and working in Japan for the past 7 years. I got started taking photos about 6 years…

Bamako 2011 –Daniel Naudé

I retraced the route of artist-explorer Samuel Daniell, who in 1800 set out on a journey from Cape Town to Leetakoe (today Ditakong) to document the landscape. Conversations with people…

Bamako 2011 –Khalil Nemmaoui

People are always – instinctively – surrounded by vegetation, but people can forget themselves, as well as forgetting the essentials. Isolated trees try, as best they can, to survive their…


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